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ETIM International association
The fundamental idea is the international use of a standard ETIM classification model for technical products. The integration of the ETIM structure in international companies against the background of globalisation, only makes sense when the application can be carried out internationally long-term.
Suppliers and wholesalers alike see a strategic option to standardize the flow of data and exchange the article information between the countries as far as centrally administered databases for all available products.
ETIM International is the international standardization committee for ETIM and is founded to join forces in the development, maintenance, publishing and promotion of one ETIM Model for the classification of technical products.
The long-term goal of ETIM International is to achieve that the ETIM model becomes the most used technical information model in the involved industries.
The non-profit association ETIM International is a partnership of national ETIM organizations and has its official seat in Brussels. The association has the following formal bodies: The General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Technical Committee.
The General Assembly has full powers to achieve the objectives and to ratify the vision and strategy of ETIM International. Each country has one vote in the General Assembly, which decides by majority. The General Assembly is the highest formal body in the organization and will elect the Executive Board to perform operational tasks, it can also set up policy groups and working groups. So ETIM International shall be governed by an Executive Board in accordance with decisions reached by the General Assembly
The ETIM Technical Committee (TC) is the central body for all decisions regarding the standardization process. It has a technical supervision over the complete ETIM model.
The TC will formally decide on all proposed RFCs (accept, rework, reject) by using the CMT. Each member country designates one person as a member of the TC, who is regarded as an ETIM technical expert. If necessary, the TC works together with other relevant institutions and initiatives. For more information please see the full statutes of the association and the guidelines under downloads.
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